About Bling

1 min readDec 3, 2020


BlingFinance: The Next Innovation

BlingFinance is a DeFi protocol now live on Rinkeby testnet:




BlingSwap is a decentralized AMM exchange currently on the Ethereum blockchain. The aim is for BlingSwap to be ported or bridged to the FantasyGold Core blockchain as well, to get full use of both platforms.

FantasyGold Core ($FGC) is a decentralized blockchain project built on Bitcoin’s UTXO model secured by a Proof of Stake consensus. FGC supports Ethereum Virtual Machine based smart contracts.

The Bling is divided up among the users in the xBLING pool. When those users withdraw their xBLING it will be worth more BLING than what it was they put in from the distribution. BlingFinance v2 will be put on test net for public view and then on main net within 90 days after BlingFinance v1 main net. Smart contracts can’t be changed but we can add new features to our DApps by adding new smart contracts. In BlingFinance v2 we add an Investment Fund and Vault smart contracts with buy and burn mechanics. The Investment Funds contracts buys $BLING to be Burned.

